Meet Manager offers a pool full of features that have been specifically designed to make running your meet easy and efficient. Use our solution to help you spend less time behind a computer and more time running a successful meet.
"We've looked at other systems, but we have everything we need with ACTIVE."
From small local races to large national qualifying meets, Meet Mobile provides flexibility and convenience. Answer common heat sheet and results questions before they’re asked. Let people get the information in real-time, when they need it, wherever they are.
“As with many school programs, finances are tight. We have been broadcasting for a while with Meet Mobile, and I now only print a handful of meet programs for meets.”
Give coaches the right solutions to manage their swim program and streamline administrative processes. Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time at the pool with Team Manager and Swim Manager. Easily register swimmers, view detailed reports, publish meet results and more.
"The amount of time it saves our volunteers with registrations is just huge.”