INFOGRAPHIC: Which Social Platforms Drive Us to Action?

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter that drive people to act.
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Ever wonder how tweeting, checking out your Facebook news feed or connecting with a friend on LinkedIn has influenced your real world actions?Today, we unveiled new insights into how online social interactions and offline activities are intertwined.Our ‘Beyond the Click’ survey of 500 consumers found that, on four out of five top social platforms, over 50% of users have taken offline action directly as a result of an online interaction.According to the ‘Beyond the Click’ survey, the three most popular offline actions taken as a result of online engagement are to contact a person directly, attend an event and participate in an activity such as a sport or a class.Our VP of corporate and consumer marketing, Kristin Carroll, noted that, “while it’s easy to measure online interactions in clicks or shares, it is very hard to measure resulting offline actions and their economic value to a business. The closest most companies have come to measuring the impact of social media is tracking purchases generated or putting an arbitrary dollar value on a click. But, as this survey shows, users can take many other offline actions that have an economic impact, and can lead directly to an increase in sales of offline activity.”Itching to know which social platform drives the most action? Check out our infographic, or read the release, to find out and let us know if you agree. Have you ever run a 5K, attended a business conference or picked up a hobby because a friend recommended it to you on a social network?

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January 24, 2020
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