Why Now Is the Time to Advertise Your Programs

Save time and money by utilizing digital marketing now.
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There’s no time like the present. Literally. The time to advertise for your programs, big or small, is now. Right now. And the quickest way to get your organization’s offerings in front of potential customers is through digital marketing, specifically through social media and email marketing. Why? It’s much easier and faster for your organization to get marketing set up and running through digital marketing channels, and it’s much cheaper than traditional advertising avenues. 

Digital Is the Present and the Future

With the pandemic shifting many peoples’ lives from in-person to online, the demand for content has risen and continues to go up. As a result, more and more people are on social networks like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, consuming content at a rapid rate. What does that mean for you? Your organization has the ability to get offerings in front of even more potential customers, more than ever before. 

Why Advertise Now?

Advertising on social media is the surest way to get your organization’s offerings in front of a large amount of people while also ensuring your audience is targeted enough to serve those ads to people who are more likely to be interested and convert. 

More Reach

Organic reach is at an all-time low on Facebook and Instagram. It’s through advertising on those social networks that you can get more eyes on the things you want potential customers to see. Even on a smaller budget your organization will be able to get in front of more people who would benefit from what you offer than it would have through more traditional means.

Unlike keyword-based search engine ads like Google Search and Display, you will be able to target potential customers on social based on things like interest, hobbies, behaviors, location and a myriad of other demographic data. By creating highly targeted audiences, your organization will be able to serve ads to people who are more likely to be interested in your organization’s offerings and eventually convert. 


Advertising on social media is much cheaper than traditional avenues—significantly so. You can determine how much you want to spend as opposed to spending a lump sum. Something to keep in mind is that the bigger your audience, the more likely your ads will burn through the budget. However, the more you spend, the more you can learn what is working for your ads and what isn’t. From there, you can optimize as needed, as well as test various elements within the ad. 

Audience Insights

Since you can utilize more targeting options within the social networking space, you are also able to dive deeper into what your audience is doing in response to your organization’s ads and adjust as necessary. Through Facebook’s reporting within Ads Manager, you can see a breakdown of those who are interacting with your ads. Insights include:

  • Gender
  • Age range
  • Location
  • Device
  • Platform
  • Placement
  • Time of day

You can get even more granular within the Audience Insights section within Ads Manager. You can see education level, job title, relationship status and more.

By reviewing these insights, as well as metrics (cost per acquisition/link clicks/landing page views/reach/impressions), you can understand who you're reaching and determine how to adjust your targeting if you aren’t reaching the right audience.

Multiple Ad Formats

Each social media platform has a multitude of ad formats to choose from and test. The options are endless, and it’s thanks to those options that your organization has the ability to create and test whatever works best. 

Whether it’s video, a single image, a carousel of images or even utilizing the stories format in Facebook and Instagram, you will be able to test and determine which ad format suits your organization and speaks to your audience best. 

Goal Diversity

Unlike traditional means of advertising, you can diversify your goals based on what you want your organization’s potential customer to accomplish. Depending on where in the sales funnel your potential customers are, you can choose from an array of goals to get them further down the funnel. 

Campaign objectives include:

  • Traffic
  • Lead generation
  • Conversions (add to cart, landing page views, purchase)
  • Engagement
  • Video views

Get Your Ads up and Running Quickly With ACTIVE Network

‍ACTIVE’s digital marketing services can get your organization’s social ads running and optimized quickly and effectively, making your life easier in the process. Our digital marketing services team can assist you with creation, implementation and optimization of a digital marketing strategy that’s sure to see a return on investment. Connect with us today to see how ACTIVE can help take your organization’s digital marketing to the next level.

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Jessica Harp
Marketing Specialist, B2B
May 13, 2021
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