This week, ACTIVE is joining more than 150 sports industry executives, athletes, physical education professionals and advocates for the “National Health Through Fitness Day” at Capitol Hill in Washington DC. ACTIVE is proud to support healthy and active lifestyles and for the opportunity to champion the value of activities offered to communities by organizations, including schools, local parks, YMCAs, and camps.
When you look at the statistics, it’s staggering that the obesity problem in the U.S. continues to grow as well as the associated costs in health expenses:
- 2013: More than 27% Adults Obese1
- 2012: More than 1/3 Children/Adolescents Overweight or Obese2
- 1990-2000: Obesity in America Triples - 28.85M to 86.06M3
- 1990-2000: National Health Expenditure Grows - $.72M to $2.59M4
Through our partnership with PHIT America, we’re excited to participate in the Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s 14th annual “National Health Through Fitness Day” and to remind leaders in Washington DC that it’s imperative to support and encourage healthy, active lifestyles in America. As we work with our customers, from the Portland Marathon to the City of Chicago and from Park City Mountain Resort to the state of California and thousands of community organizations in between, we truly aim to make the world a more active place.