There’s No Place Like Home, Especially During the Holidays

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Whether it’s time, gifts, money or food, opportunities to give during the holiday season are plentiful. Regardless of the season, any time is a good time to help improve a fellow human being’s quality of life. At ACTIVE, the act of giving has become part of our DNA as a company that lives the mission to make the world a more active place. ACTIVE employees constantly work to help as many people as possible, frequently raising money and awareness among themselves for various causes like “No-Shave November” and the ACTIVEx Charity Challenge that benefits Kids in the Game.

ACTIVEx and the ACTIVE Women’s Network, a group of ACTIVE employees who organized to provide opportunities for ACTIVE women in all roles and all stages of their careers, are leading the charge to help families transition from the street to safe shelter. ACTIVE employees are donating basic-comfort items such as bedding and food to Family Gateway in addition to providing volunteer labor needed to renovate apartments to serve as shelters for homeless families.

Family Gateway works to end child homelessness within the Dallas community by providing housing, social, and educational services to homeless children and their families. In addition to providing safe, stable housing and comprehensive case management, Family Gateway also works with partner agencies to deliver a wide array of services to our clients, including mental and physical health care, employment readiness and job training, financial literacy classes, and educational support, such as preschool and after-school programs, GED preparation classes, and assistance seeking higher education.

Any company will say that people are its greatest asset, but at ACTIVE, people are taking “corporate wellness” beyond the office walls to become a great asset to communities. Altruism weaves throughout the company in many ways, shapes and forms, with employee giving efforts helping change as many lives as possible throughout any given year. What charity inspires you to give?

#DallasStrong; @FamilyGateway; #HolidaySpirit

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January 24, 2020
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