The Benefits of Workflow Automation and Permit Management Software

From reducing errors to increasing customer satisfaction, there are so many benefits of workflow automation and permitting software.
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Thanks to small staffs and the rise in technology, organizations are always looking for ways to automate processes wherever they can. Why should employees waste their time with mundane busy work when they can be focusing on more important tasks that support the community and make citizens’ lives easier? With workflow automation and permit management software, municipalities and other organizations can streamline the process and reduce the time it takes to get requests through the system. But the benefits don't stop there.

Increase Efficiency

When you automate tasks, you eliminate manual, mundane tasks that—let’s face it—no one enjoys doing. Because of this, employees are able to focus on more impactful and complex projects that serve the community in bigger and better ways. While your software is running its program, your staff can make your community a better and more enjoyable experience for everyone who lives there or passes through.

Improve Accuracy and Compliance

Even if you have the most skilled individuals working in your department, everybody makes mistakes. But by automating tasks with software, you can say goodbye to nearly every error you typically encounter on a weekly basis, such as data entry mistakes and miscalculations. Plus, a decrease in errors likely means a decrease in costs associated with fixing those errors, too. We don’t know about you, but spending less money cleaning up mistakes sounds pretty good to us.

Enhance Tracking and Reporting

When everything is automated and run through software, it means there’s an accurate and useful record of all your processes. That in turn leads to better and more accurate reporting, so you can make better business decisions when the time comes. Whether this helps identify bottleneck areas or identifies turnaround time, compliance status, or resource utilization, more reporting is always a good thing, especially when it comes to the success of your municipality or organization.

Raise Customer Satisfaction

Manual processes often lead to miscommunication, especially when it comes to workflow and permitting. If a request from a citizen has to go through multiple channels and departments for approval, it can be hard to know where to follow up or who to contact with questions. With an automated process, it’s easier than ever for citizens to not only submit their requests but also gain insight into its progress along the way. Plus, automation almost often speeds the entire process up, meaning faster wait times—something everyone can get behind.

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July 12, 2023
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