At the beginning of each year, people everywhere focus on setting new goals for themselves. For many, it’s health and wellness or professional goals. At ACTIVE, both personal (health and well-being) and professional aspects can be encompassed within the one goal because the company provides an entire ecosystem for improving the health of the community at-large as well as fulfilling personal goals. Today, for example, teams of employees built bicycles for the Dallas Police Department’s Police Athletic League (PAL), a youth crime prevention program that instills a sense of confidence, community and positivity in kids through youth recreation activities.
Nearly every ACTIVE employee contributed in some way to making 2016 a banner year of giving, whether as a participant in the annual ACTIVEx Charity Challenge that benefits Kids in the Game, or volunteering time and donating goods to benefit Family Gateway, a Dallas-based organization that helps families transition from the street to safe shelter.
In terms of total impact in 2016, ACTIVE employees raised more than $25,000 to fund the “ACTIVEx Pass,” a program through KIDS in the GAME that provides underserved kids (their parents/guardians) access to financial grants to pay registration fees for a variety of activities when they apply for a grant through The ACTIVEx Pass and any local youth sports organization. The ACTIVEx Pass is funded solely through the dollars raised by our employees’ participation in the ACTIVEx Charity Challenge, through which ACTIVE employees have raised nearly $500,000 in recent years to cover the registration fees of nearly 5,000 kids across the U.S.
With 2017 marking the 10th anniversary of the ACTIVEx Charity Challenge, ACTIVE employees are already rallying to surpass $500,000 in funds raised in order to get more than 1,000 Dallas-area kids “in the game,” kids who otherwise wouldn’t be able to participate in community activities in 2017. As we look to 2017, we’re asking: How can we make more of a difference within our communities? How can we do more with our time and donations to help more people access an active lifestyle? What can we do to inspire more kids to literally jump for joy?
Share in our mission to make the world, including ourselves, a more ACTIVE place!