Family-Friendly Virtual Activities for Father’s Day

Fun virtual activities to offer to help families celebrate Father's Day safely.
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This year’s Father’s Day is looking different from last year. With quarantines extended and social distancing highly encouraged, families are turning to virtual events to celebrate this special day with dad.

Most dads only want to see a smiling face, but a virtual activity will keep the family engaged and inspired. Here are some virtual activities your organization can offer:

Virtual Family Bingo Night

At the moment, Bingo is one of the more popular video conference games. Bingo games transition well to the virtual setting and are favorable to both small and large groups.  

You could also host the family bingo night on your YouTube channel. Provide a downloadable link for families to print out a bingo card. Families can also make a couple of cards. How to Make Bingo Cards for Free

Encourage families to pick a creative way to mark their spaces—coins, beads, macaroni or M&Ms candy.  

Virtual Movie Night

Host a family-friendly Father’s Day movie night. Extensions like Netflix Party and Meta stream make it possible to sync up your streaming content so all your families can watch together. In exchange for a website mention, ask a local small popcorn/treat business to donate a voucher or coupon for free popcorn or treats.

Family-friendly Father’s Day Movies:

  • Three Men and aBaby (1987)
  • Look Who’s Talking (1989)
  • The Lion King(1994)
  • Father of the Bride (1991)
  • Daddy Daycare(2003)
  • Father’s Day(1997) 

A Museum, Zoo or Aquarium Tour

Dozens of museums are ready with online entertainment for all ages, including younger children. COVID-19 has amped up the digital era, giving families the opportunity to view the museum’s virtual tours or collections.

The Metropolitan Museum Of Art for Kids has a section for future time travelers. It highlights a time machine, where you can search by time period, idea or location to find objects and artwork from the museum’s rooms.

Other Museum Tours:

12 Virtual Museum Tours for Kids You Can Do Right This Second

Not everybody will be on board with touring museums, so check out the below list which includes zoos and aquariums. The National Aquarium has a floor-by-floor virtual tour, while the aquariums and zoos give tours via live webcams.

List of Museums, Zoos,Aquariums and Theme Parks Offering Virtual Tours

Virtual Fun Run

The virtual fun runs are gaining in popularity. The great thing about a fun run, real or virtual, is that it’s meant to encourage people to walk or run in a fun, low-pressure atmosphere.

You can recommend a distance (e.g. 1 mile), but what is important is that participants run or walk whatever length they are trained for or comfortable doing.

Check out ACTIVE's Global Running Day Challenge! It can easily be done as a family and is a great way to connect with the running community.

Virtual Hike

Nature loving families miss traveling to parks and hiking trails. Give them a fun, safe and educational experience by sharing virtual walks and hikes with them.

Participants can join the virtual hiking while marching in place, walking back and forth, or walking with light weights while enjoying the magnificent views, virtually.

With virtual hikes, families get the opportunity to explore places they may never have been to before, from anywhere. Check out the breathtaking virtual hike below.

4K Virtual Hike Near River through the Forest - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail

Family Fitness Class

Inspire families to make fitness a priority. Encourage dads and parents to be role models for their children and offer family fitness classes. Get some inspirations from these videos and formats.

Kids HIIT Workout 2

Family Fun Cardio Workout 

Offer families specific challenges, and the dads and children can exchange metrics (heart rate, steps, etc.) for virtual goodies available from your website.

Use this opportunity to pair your Father’s Day registrations with your summer virtual programs. For example, if you’re offering a virtual zoo tour, pair the registration with a clickable link that brings the user to similarly themed camps. Families will not only be curious about the upcoming programs; it will give them a head start in registration.

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June 11, 2020
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