ACTIVEWorks Endurance Tips & Tricks

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Boost your event with Social Referrals

By customizing your social media share tool you can equip your participants with the right imagery and copy to effectively share with their friends and family.

Go further and increase your event’s reach by incentivizing your participants to share with a Referral Rebate. While your participants are referring others to your event because they love and enjoy it, adding a cherry on top in the form of a rebate will motivate participants to share more, thereby growing your event.

Assign & manage bibs

Bib tool allows you to import a bib template to manually assign bibs, define a bib sequence to automatically assign them, or use ACTIVE On-Site app to assign dynamically at packet pick-up.

Assigning bibs within ACTIVE allows all participant data to be stored in a single location, increasing efficiency for you and your timer. Additionally, once bibs are assigned in ACTIVE, bib number can be used as an object within the Email tool, allowing you to further personalize your communication with your participants.

Recover abandoned registrations

Set-up automatic reminder emails to participants that visit your registration page, but leave before registering with Abandoned Cart Emails.

This is a great tool to bring back participants to your site and on the starting line, by encouraging them to complete the registration they were already on the brink of making.

Maximize sales by offering payment plans

'Buy Now, Pay Later" options are wildly popular with buyers and also a great way to increase revenue.

Best of all registrants are not Confirmed until their plan is paid in full.

Our customizable Payment Plan feature allows your event to:

  • Reach and empower a wider audience to register
  • Decrease cart abandonment
  • Increase cart value

February 8, 2023
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