When it Comes to Chargebacks, ACTIVE is Here to Help

Chargebacks can be a nuisance, but the team at ACTIVE can do all the heavy lifting.
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Product Blog

Imagine this, your billing statement shows that you’ve made a purchase, but you don’t recall doing so. You look into the current charge and realize that you, indeed, did not make this purchase. Instead of you personally having to handle this dispute, your credit card issuer or bank directly handles the problem for you. Simple as that.

When it comes to chargebacks, think of it the same way. Instead of you having to personally deal with the issue, our team at ACTIVE handles it for you. In fact, as your partner, ACTIVE Network challenges every chargeback received. When a chargeback is initiated, ACTIVE steps in and has been successful in disputing between 50-80% of the chargebacks received. After winning the case, the chargeback is closed in ACTIVE’s favor and funds are returned.

In the chance that ACTIVE has lost the chargeback battle, you will be sent an “Early Warning” email at the end of the month, which details the lost chargebacks. Details of the invoice can be read through the following example:

AN:24166:120517:012618:VI98:Jane Doe

·        AN: the source system at ACTIVE for this transaction, in this case “ACTIVENet”

·        24166: the transaction receipt or order number

·        120517: original transaction date in MMDDYY format

·        012618: date of chargeback in MMDDYY format

·        VI98: card provider & chargeback reason code, Visa 98

·        Jane Doe: cardholder’s name

We understand the hassle that comes with chargebacks; that’s why we work ensure every chargeback received is challenged accordingly. Have more questions? Contact our Account Management team today to learn more.

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July 7, 2021
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