Access to Activities Anywhere

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Product News

It’s no surprise that smartphone usage has been on the rise over the past few years and that the trend is expected to continue. According to eMarketer, “Nearly 116 million Americans will use a smartphone at least monthly by the end of this year, up from 93.1 million in 2011.”

People use their phones for everything from email to social media to e-commerce. It’s about convenience, immediacy, and increasingly, how we organize and manage our lives wherever we are. With a view to making activities accessible anywhere, Active has been steadily driving innovation in mobile to make it easier for consumers to search and register for the thousands of activities we power through our ActiveWorks cloud technology and our consumer site,

Today, just in time for the peak camping season, we announced two new mobile apps for outdoors enthusiasts. Both available on iTunes, our ReserveAmerica and apps allow campers to book campgrounds across the nation right from their phones. Campers should also take note of our cool camping trip planning tool on which allows users to look up campgrounds and plan out their itineraries, driving distances and more.

In the golf market, we recently launched a mobile app with Gallus Golf to allow golf course operators attract and retain golfers as well as drive increased revenue. Golfers can book tee times quickly and receive special discounts or advance tee time privileges. We are seeing steady interest in the golf mobile app and it’s another example of how we are driving access to activities anywhere.

Stayed tuned for a lot more on the mobile front. We are looking to reveal some very cool apps that could take professional meetings and events to a whole new level.

Mona Klausing champions global PR and gets active through yoga, camping, traveling, volunteering and spending time with her family and animals.

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January 24, 2020
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