7 Ways to Transform Unused Spaces in Your Community

Turn unused spaces in your community into something that everyone can enjoy for years to come.
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Take a look around your community. What do you see? Do you have unused courts and fields that are just sitting there waiting to be transformed into something amazing? Unable to come up with ideas to turn those spaces into something useful? Don’t worry! We have you covered. Read on to discover some great ideas to transform unused spaces in your community that are sure to be utilized for many, many years to come.

Dog Parks

When it comes to the furry four-legged friends in your community, they all need a space to hang out and let loose. Got an old baseball diamond or unused field? Turn it into a dog park! Enclose the area with a chain-link fence, add some fun and interactive features like rocks for jumping on and off or a tunnel, and make sure to include a doggy water fountain and a trash can and bags for cleaning up inevitable messes. And of course, don’t forget benches for owners to sit on while their pups have the time of their lives running around and making new friends.

Pickleball Courts

Got more than enough tennis courts or ones that maybe aren’t as popular as they used to be? Jump on the pickleball craze and designate a few, or all, into pickleball courts. You can learn all about court construction, guidelines, layouts and more at https://usapickleball.org/what-is-pickleball/court-diagram/.

Skate Parks

Create a space where skaters and skateboarders of any skill level can practice and show off their amazing tricks by taking an old community pool and transforming it into a skate park. Get artists in your community involved and have them paint gorgeous murals inside and outside of the bowl (pool), add some signs that encourage skaters to wear safety gear and even include a vending machine or a space for a food truck to park. 

Dodgeball Courts

Much like pickleball, you can easily convert old tennis courts into a space for everyone’s inner child to run wild and play dodgeball. While the National Dodgeball League may play inside, that doesn’t mean your community has to. The best thing about dodgeball is that it can be played practically anywhere, as long as you have the equipment.

Quidditch Pitches

Playing Quidditch isn’t just for wizards anymore. Anyone can play, and this fantastical sport can easily be a staple in your community as well. In fact, there is an actual league for Quidditch with 450 teams throughout the world. Even Central Park in New York City has a Quidditch pitch for players to practice and play on!

The U.S. Quidditch League has all the necessary resources on its website, including player safety resources, coach/team leader resources, referee resources and more. No need to be a part of the league to create a pitch or play—but the website does have helpful tools to get you started, which includes a rulebook that discusses the basics of the game, as well as equipment needed and pitch dimensions.

Bocce Courts

Traditionally, bocce is played on natural soil or asphalt courts that measure 90 feet in length and up to 13 feet wide. If you have the space for it, especially near a main street district, this game would be a great way to add to your community. This Italian-created game can be laid back but also quite competitive depending on the players. There are bocce leagues all over the world, including the United States, so there are likely a few bocce enthusiasts in your community.

Community Garden

Transform an unused space into a garden that everyone in your community can enjoy! Create a calming and welcoming space for anyone whether they have a green thumb or are just learning the basics of growing their own flowers, fruits and vegetables. All you need is space and perhaps some raised beds for community members to plant in, as well as a water source. Add some benches, tables and chairs and you have a great space where the community can come together and enjoy growing their own food and flowers, as well as bask in the beauty of nature.

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Jessica Harp
Marketing Specialist, B2B
January 10, 2022
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